Passportes du Soleil – the rainy day

Saturday featured: RAIN! Much like last year, and we made it home before lightning. Sunday was even worse. Annelies and I ventured out anyway and headed toward the Plény and a few runs near the Super Morzine and had run after run on the muddy slopes, laughing our heads of. Our bikes where covered in mud, so much the wheels froze and we couldn’t pick up our bikes because if the added weight.


In the afternoon Annelies had to fly home and Ernies joined me, after a few runs a guy jumped in front of me on the road in Morzine taking a picture. “What a funny guy I thought” and pedaled on but he started to talk to me and I finaly recognized my former team-mates husband in casual clothes. We chatted and I swapped worn out disc pads, so Ernie and I could ride some more to Les Gets and back home, in time for soccer: NED-MEX 😉



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